Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Generic Conventions of The Black Dahlia

The Black Dahlia is a neo-noir crime thriller based on the murder of Elizabeth Short, of who was the victim of a much publicised murder in 1947. Her death is one of the oldest unsolved murder cases in Los Angele’s history and he body was left mutilated and sliced in half at the waist. The film takes interest in the investigation of her death.

This photograph below is from the 2006 version of The Black Dahlia featuring Scarlett Johansson. In this scene Bucky realises that he actually loves his LAPD partner’s long-time girlfriend Kay Lake and not actually the femme fatale of this film, Madeleine. Kay however is said to be the girl next door in this noir film. He has come to be with her, where he feels he belongs. This is the very end of the film.
The way Kay is looking back through her apartment it is as if she is asking for forgiveness from Lee as she is now with his partner. Now this composition is very different to that of a general film noir in the 40’s/50’s as usually it is the everyman in the foreground with the femme fatale or girl next door in the background. In the usual noir the everyman would be in the foreground as though the other woman is in the back of his mind or as though she is always watching him. Whereas, this is a different snap shot for a general film noir, as is that the film is actually coloured (saturated) rather than the typical black and white.

The mise-en-scene in this film is rather typical to that of a normal film noir as Kay and Madeleine both have cigarette holders and the smoke from them trail their posture in a glamourous way. The photograph of Madeleine in the photograph below shows the costume she wears almost throughout the film.
Her hair however compared to that of a typical femme fatale is rather flat and pulled back when usually it is all tied in curls. The cut of this shows very much of Madeleine’s curves and cleavage to make her seem sexy and exotic, making men surround her. Similar, to that of the mythical mermaid sirens. The men all wear suits and costume in this film as well due to them being in LAPD uniform making them look smart. Even though this is a very new film noir (2006) the costume and acting is that of the same as the typical in the 40’s/50’s. The femme fatale is extremely independent and feels powerful, she believes throughout the film she will get as she wishes.

Narrative Structure
The narrative structure of The Black Dahlia is very similar to that of a normal film noir as you have all the characters needed: everyman, femme fatale, girl next door and villain. The film starts with the ending but not in the way that typical film noirs do because they do not have the slow flash backs as such. However the ending where the femme fatale gets murdered and then the everyman ends up with the girl next door is the approach of film noir films, generally speaking.

Reflective comment:
I will need to add a sound caption and a small amount of music from the film such as when the femme fatale appears and it is more of a seductive feel. I would also like to add the trailer or short clips of the film itself.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Generic Conventions of Double Indemnity

I have created my first Emaze, I created a presentation using this software as I wanted to learn some new skills and software bases. This is all about the simple conventions throughout the film, Double Indemnity. I have added many photographs to this to make it slightly more visual and for the sound convention I have added a two-minute video from Vimeo as an example of the voice-overs that Walter had done throughout the film. This merges real-life with memories for him. 
Powered by emaze

Reflective comment:
I understand that the Emaze is slightly too big for the page and so i need to work out how I am going to make the size a lot smaller. Also I never added anything about the editing from Double Indemnity as I didn't know what to include. using Emaze was very difficult at first however, once I had the basic skills it was easy to create something like this. 
Generic conventions of Film Noir

The generic conventions are split into five different sub-headings: Camera and composition, editing, sound, mise-en-scene, narrative and characters. We have watched three Film Noirs so far which include: Double Indemnity, The Killers and The Black Dahlia and so with these we have looked at their generic conventions.

Camera and composition
‘Composition’ describes the placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art. It is about the angles that the photograph has been taken in and how props have been set-up. A good composition is one that has enough detail and has a good balance. However, too elements can be distracting and lead the audience’s interpretation to confusion; meaning that the correct props for the storyline is vital.
For example, the photograph to the left is one that I had taken recently with my Sony Cyber shot. I had taken this photograph with her back towards the camera to show her flawless skin and the pearls around her neck. The pearls are part of the mise-en-scene though as they are props. I had taken this at such an angle to show her ‘pouted’ lips and that she was either in part-shock or slightly scared as this was taken outside in a graveyard. I could have made this slightly more Neo Noir by adding red lips (like Sin City) on her or a slight saturation of colour on her dress, which was navy.

Editing in media is all about how someone combines the clips together, how they are joined together, what software they use and special effects that may be added. I had played around with this slightly when I made my Media and Me vlog but I only used Moviemaker, I would like to try other software when we create our own project, perhaps iMovie.

Sound in media is all about what you can hear whether it is music, voices, voice overs and sound effects. Many film industries now use folioing  Anything can class as sound on a film, whether it is Film Noir or not.

Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of scenery and props for photography or in the media industry, therefore the setting of the scene. ‘Mise-en-scene’ in French means ‘telling a story’. When applying the term to media and the film industry it refers to everything that appears beyond the camera including, make-up, costume, props and composition. In Film Noir the main things they tend to focus on is the costume and make-up of the femme fatale and cigarette smoke.
On the photograph to the left there is a photograph of a typical femme fatale, this was taken off Pinterest. The typical mise-en-scene for a femme fatale would be having smoke around her for the seductive atmosphere. She would be wearing heavy make-up and typically red lips, especially in Neo Noir film. The femme fatale is also often skinny and white, as she is to represent the women during the war being far too evil and getting their own way, as many of the men did not enjoy. The lady on the photograph to the left has longer hair than most femme fatale’s however the other costume and make-up makes up for the longer hair. When it comes to creating photographs and the beginning of our film I really want to play around with the costume and make-up of a femme fatale.

Narrative Structure
There is much narrative structure in Film Noirs and typically all fit in with each other. The most important storyline and structures would be that:
· They start with the end, often with the protagonist broken
· They usually include flashbacks or voice-overs
· The start often gives the entire plot away, making it less mysterious
· The characters however have their own mystery and stories
· It is usually from the protagonists perception
· They tend to have slow motion scenes
·The femme fatale usually ends up either being killed or in a lot of trouble
· The everyman ends up in trouble
· The femme fatale seduces the everyman making him do things he will later regret

Conventions of Film Noir from kellymorris92

I used the SlideShare above to see the typical conventions of Film Noir, I found this really useful however I do not agree with Character slide because I don't believe in every Film Noir there is detectives as the protagonists or corrupt police.

Reflective comment:
I need to add either my own Slideshares or Prezi's about each film we had watched and about their conventions. I also would like to find some video examples possibly on Youtube about the Titanic folying as could not do so on the school computers due to it being blocked. I would also like to blog about the different type of characters in Film Noir. 
First look on Film Noir

What is film noir?
Film Noir means ‘dark film’ in French. This is a term that is used to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas; particularly those that have sexual motivations. The term Film Noir first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946. It was in France during the post-war years that the term was used to describe a certain set of Hollywood films that were saturated with a darkness and cynicism that was not seen before. These movies include: The Maltese Falcon (1941), Double Indemnity (1944), Laura (1944), and Murder My Sweet (1944). Many of the classic Film Noir films are classed as melodramatic.

How did the films reflect the war?
The films reflected on the war as it was a run-down time, Film Noir show the insecurities and tensions throughout these Hollywood films. As it was the time of the World War people were feeling much more aggressive which lead to the crime and thrillers of all these early films. Some of these films have a moral to teach to the audience, that they believe woman and men should both get back to their original gender roles.

Primary moods of Film Noir:
  • Depression
  • Suspicion
  • Paranoia
  • Evil
  • Guilt
Introduction to film genre study #1 film noir from shanovitz

This Slideshare was the first one I looked at to understand the use of Film Noir and about characters as a short introduction to this unit.

Reflective comment:
I would also like to see what I can find on Youtube or on Vimeo about Film Noir and the characters. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

My Top Ten Films

I have made a power point from Microsoft about what my top ten films are, who films in it and a rough draft of the plot. I understand that the plot is a large chunk of information however as I am so indulged in all these films that I cannot possibly shrink the information down. I have added this power point onto Slideshare to add it to my blog. I have also used animations in the slides to make it a bit more exciting as there is a lot of information so it was to try and break it down slightly. I believe my teacher had set this task to get used to adding slides and power points onto Slideshare as I am still getting used to all the functions and adding to my blog.

As you can see there is a pattern of genre going on as I am very much into romance films and chick flicks. This isn't the only case as I love Disney films and action films such as Rush Hour that is in there. I like to be able to sit and relax in front of my TV with a good film and popcorn, but it is usually a romance or very sad film. Many of the films in this Slideshare are from the novelist Nicholas Sparks who wrote books such as Safe Haven, The Lucky One and The Notebook. Nicholas tends to have the same kind of storyline: there is a girl and a boy, they fall in love but many scenes happen where they just can't be together. The storyline often ends with the two in love finally coming together and not worrying what others think. I like a film with a happy ending. Enjoy.
Hyperlinks of the best or funniest parts of each film:
I particularly love this part of the film as the song is so repetitive and catchy that it just gets everyone watching, singing it together. It is just funny listening to the different cultures and accents trying to sing this. The song is called War by Edwin Starr.
The wedding scene is my favourite because the small things just show how compatible the characters are such as both writing their vows on the their first date restaurant menu. The composition of the camera angles are immaculate especially during their kiss. I also like how they vow to always remember and love each other as this is a good foreshadow of what is to come.
I absolutely love this scene because it is so romantic feeding all the beautiful doves, even after everything they have been through you can still see the chemistry between them. Towards the end of the scene here when Allie asks Noah why he hasn't written and discovers really he has and still loves her; it makes me weep. They both realise their undying love isn't over.
Just before this scene Alex realises that Katie has been lying to him and his family about her past and abusive relationship. She doesn't want to put his family though the pain of what her ex partner would do to them just to get back at Katie for leaving him. Alex declares his love for her and tells her stay.
This is my ultimate favourite scene of this film as it is a scene that anyone could remember due to it being so hilarious. The two step brothers do not understand the concept of living and so act like children. Once they have made bunk bed they then have an accident. This would not be most peoples favourite scene as there are so many to choose from in this film, really worth watching.
This is a very emotional scene after spending two weeks together John has to leave again and so Savannah writes him a letter to take with him. The letter is telling him that 12 months is a long time and that she will see him soon, and it would have any one welling up with tears.
Many like Fifty Shades just because it is raunchy and a new type of film. Where I had read all books before the film and so I understood everything and the reason why Christian is like who he is. It is a beautiful yet thrilling storyline. This part is my favourite romantic scene as it is so attractive that Christian can drive a helicopter, so to speak. Parts like these and with Ellie Goulding's chilling song in the background shows their love for each other not just their lust.
Knowing she can't see him when ever she wants to when she can she makes the most of it. In this scene Clare hears Henry say a final goodbye to her and their child, I couldn't choose a favourite scene in this movie as it is all just so sad as it happens throughout her life from childhood.
I could not choose a favourite scene as it is one of my best films, and so I had found a mash-up of good pieces fro the film. There are so many quotes that you cannot forget throughout this film. This is a film to watch when you are sick or just feeling a little lonely.
This is my upmost best part of the film as she decides to choose Jack over the ever-so rich Cal. Knowing that a third class person can find love with an upper class person just makes life more realistic and that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Such a romantic scene from this movie, as are most scenes.

Reflective comment:
If I were to do this Slideshare over again I would change it so that the plot was shortened down drastically. I will also add some hyperlinks to this at some stage if needed of the favourite or funniest parts of each film.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Media and Me

As a class we were given a challenge from our teacher to create a short presentation or vlog about what kinds of media we use and how we feel about them. I had decided to talk mostly about films I have watched and what are some of my favourites and video games that I have played from childhood until now. This was my first vlog so I wasn't very prepared and was nervous.

I had created this vlog in my bedroom however, I did wish to film outside but the weather at the time was awful. This vlog was created with a tripod and by using my Nikon DSLR 5200, I had edited and cut this vlog as it was originally sixteen minutes I did this on MovieMaker. Enjoy. 

Media and Me from Charlotte Beach on Vimeo.

Reflective Comment:
I had great difficulty in adding this vimeo post on the blog and I don't know why it would not load, the page was just telling me the embed 'copy' was not correct, I believe this was my laptop as it works perfectly fine on school computers. As I add more vlogs and posts on my page I will discover the reason for this I am sure.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

What makes a good blog?
In our first lesson we spoke about what makes a good blog and so our teacher had set us out in groups to create a a spider diagram. As a group we had chosen the most important things that a blog should contain or should be. For instance, it should be well organised so that the audience can view videos and comments easily, therefore using shortcuts, tabs and gadget boxes will help to do so. I believe that a blog should have good grammar and it should be as interactive as possible. Therefore, I have written up the spider diagram that we had created and embedded my first Prezi.

Reflective Comment:
I should have played around more with the Prezi software but I wanted to get all my blogs updated and creative. For my next Prezi I think I will play around with colours, backgrounds and fit it with the Film Noir theme. This was the first time I had used this software and so I will need to carry on to succeed and improve on my skills.